Basel Library Network
The Basel Library Network is a department of the University Library Basel’s Central Services and provides services to all affiliated libraries. The library network includes the libraries of the University of Basel, libraries of hospitals, museums, cantonal institutions, private institutions as well as of the University of Applied Sciences (see Libraries in the Basel Library Network). The department acts as an interface between the libraries in the Basel Library Network and the SLSP AG as well as other external service providers with connections to the Alma library system and Primo. It carries out necessary decentralised system and specialist library work and as the point of contact for questions relating to swisscovery, is also responsible for communication and documentation on these topics.
Via swisscovery Basel the holdings of all libraries connected to the library network are searchable and available for use by researchers, students and the general public. To search for manuscripts and letters, old prints and rare books, archive holdings and bequests, use the swisscollections catalogue.
Library Network Basel
+41 61 207 30 95
Stefanie Lind
Head of the Basel Library Network
+41 61 207 31 20
Carmen Pilgermayer
Deputy Head of Library Network Coordination
+41 61 207 28 46
+41 61 207 30 91
+41 61 207 59 27