![[Translate to English:] Abbildung Reproduktion](/fileadmin/_processed_/6/b/csm_UB_Basel_Repro_0462_46acf1da3b.jpg?1725591051)
Reproduction | Digitisation
EOD: eBooks on demand
You may request copies as a PDF or TIFF file of all works printed up to and including 1899, as well as manuscripts and archive documents which are older than 80 years:
- Click on the EOD button in the catalogue to place your order.
- You may order entire works or excerpts thereof.
- We will check your order and let you know if the University Library is able to deliver your copy in digital format.
- You will receive a cost estimate for each request.
- We will carry out your request after you have confirmed the estimate.
- The requested digital reproduction will generally be delivered within 14 days.
- As soon as the title is ready to download, you will be offered a number of payment options. Your ebook will be released for download after successful payment.
- More information: EOD: An overview
The offer applies to entire print works and manuscripts (a minimum of 24 pages); maps cannot be ordered as reprints.
- In addition to digital format, the requested book will be printed as a classic paperback and sent to you.
- The offer only applies to entire printed works (a minimum of 24 pages); manuscripts and maps cannot be ordered as reprints.
- Further information: what is an EOD-reprint?
In the following cases, the EOD button is missing even though the work might fulfil the order criteria:
- title has no date
- journals
- item has not yet been catalogued
If this happens, please fill in the blank EOD form, click ‘proceed’ and enter your order in the empty fields.