/ Simon Geiger


Chemisches Zentralblatt integrated in SciFinder-n

Similar to "Chemical Abstracts", "Chemisches Zentralblatt" recorded the relevant chemical literature from 1830 to 1969. All volumes were digitized by the "Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek" and are freely accessible. However, the indexing is very basic. ChemZent is fully integrated in SciFinder-n and will be scanned in all searches for authors, concepts, patents, and substances (incl. structures). This helps to trace pioneering progress back to the roots even more comprehensively, e.g. for reviews. Learn more by watching this ChemZent video .
However, the full text links to ChemZent do point to the German abstract in "Chemisches Zentralblatt" rather than to the journal article. Title and abstract in SciFinder-n are (machine) translated into English though. The journal articles may be located by the bibliographic data quoted in the digitized "Chemisches Zentralblatt".