/ Simon Geiger

swissuniversities and Elsevier adopt a pilot agreement combining reading and publishing

swissuniversities has adopted a new transformative pilot agreement with Elsevier for access to all journals issued by the publisher and for publishing Open Access with no costs for the authors at University of Basel.

Following the memorandum of understandig as arranged in the end of 2019, the Read&Publish agreement is operative since the beginning of 2020, after the clearing of technicalities it was officially signed.  

Read Access has been extended to all journals on the ScienceDirect platform (including Cell Press, The Lancet..., and Society Journals) from publication year 1995. 

Publish Authors at the University and the University Hospital Basel submitting an article in a journal issued by Elsevier, may choose the free option "Gold Open Access" and should do so (excluding Cell Press, The Lancet... und einigen Society Journals, list iof eligible journals). 

Feedback and questions: Dr. Simon Geiger (e-media coordinator) simon.geiger at unibas.ch or openaccess at unibas.ch