Lending restrictions
Quantity restrictions
The number of loans per location and user is limited to:
- 100 media in the University Library Basel
- 20 media in the University Medical Library
- 50 media in the University Religion Library
- 50 media in the University Library Rosental
- 50 media in the University Business and Economics Library and the Swiss Economic Archives (SWA)
Lending restrictions of the library collections
The following holdings are not available for home lending and may only be borrowed for consultation in the Special Reading Room:
- Manuscripts/archival holdings/bequest libraries
- Works and journal volumes with a publication year up to and including 1899
- Call number ranges AN and Ra to Rg
- Holdings of the portrait, map and ex libris collections
- Other particularly valuable and delicate works
- Call numbers Lieb, Diss B, Un 201, kr, Qa to Qg, WK, LSM, Kat
- Loose-leaf editions
- Large format works
- Newspapers
- Valuable editions with a publication year from 1900
- Works in the reference library of the staff of the University Library Basel
- Works in scholarly edition projects
- Microfilms, microfiches
Unbound journal issues for the current year may only be consulted in the Journals Reading Room.
The following holdings are not available for home lending and may only be viewed on site:
- Reading Room holdings: call number Lesesaal
- Palaeographic works: call number Pal
Holdings of the University Library Basel, that are on deposit in institutes of the University of Basel, are subject to the terms of use of the respective institutes. The use of these holdings must be guaranteed for the users of the University Library Basel.
Holdings of the University Library Basel, that are kept in course reserves in institutes of the University of Basel, are blocked for any further borrowing for the duration of the semester and cannot be recalled. The use of these holdings must be guaranteed for the users of the University Library Basel.
The following holdings are not available for home lending and may only be borrowed for consultation in the Special Reading Room:
- Holdings of the SWA’s special collection of private archives (in addition these are subject to legal protection periods and stipulations by the bequeathing companies)
- Entire collections of documents (subject and company dossiers)
- Journals, newspapers, annual reports in the stacks
- Works with a publication year before 1900
- Large format works, valuable editions
The following holdings are not available for home lending and may only be viewed on site and in the reading rooms:
- Journals, newspapers, annual reports, working papers, EU/i/ in the reading rooms
- Works in the reference library of the staff of the SWA (REF.ARCH)
- Holdings marked with ”N.A.” in the open stacks
- ”Theke” holdings
The following holdings are not available for home lending and may only be viewed on site:
- Monographs in the reference collection: daily loans are only possible for on-site use, no home lending is allowed. It is not possible to extend the loan period.
- Journals and journal-type series: single issues cannot be borrowed.
The following holdings are not available for home lending and may only be viewed on site:
- Monographs marked with “N.A.” in the open stacks
- Current journal volumes
- Media in the offices of the professors
Master’s theses may not be borrowed.