Subject librarian

In order not to feel the horrible burden of time breaking your shoulders and bending you towards the earth, you have to be continually drunk.
But on what? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But get drunk.

Charles Baudelaire

Rentrée d'hiver                           (from 12.02.2025)

Here you will find curated lists of subject-specific databases and journals from the holdings of Basel University Library. The lists are not exhaustive and are continuously maintained.

Subject-specific training courses (in German)

The subject librarian is happy to assist you with individual questions regarding information research for projects in French linguistics and literary studies (developing a search strategy, searching in the library catalogue and subject databases, etc.). Please contact the subject librarian directly. 


All training opportunities

An overview of all training opportunities available at the University Library (guided tours, reference managment, etc.) can be found here.


Internet resources

CLARIN-CH digital language ressources
Access to corpora in various languages
Most important Internet resource for Romanists in the German-speaking countries (in German)

FID Romanistik: Forschungsdaten
Valuable information from the German Fachinformationsdienst Romanistik related to research data (in German)

Library catalogues

Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)
Catalogue of the National Library of France (BnF)

Le Catalogue Collectif de France (CCFr)
Access to the French library network union catalogue comprising BnF, Sudoc (système universtaire de documentation) and Base Patrimoine (catalogue des fonds anciens et spéciaux)

Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval
Access to the French-Canadian library network

Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale (Réro)
Catalogue of the library network in Western Switzerland

Freely accessible online databases

Digital library of the National Library of France. Extensive full-text database predominantly from BnF holdings (primary and secondary literature, image and audio files about French culture)

ABU: La Bibliothèque Universelle
Access to selected works by modern French-speaking authors (16th to early 20th century) in full text

Athena: textes français
Numerous full texts in French

University Library holdings

Primary literature:

  • critical editions of canonical French-speaking authors in the original language
  • selected French fiction in the original language
  • a few selected titles of canonical authors and modern fiction also in German translation

Secondary literature:

  • important lexicons, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.
  • comprehensive works of the French language and French-language literature (such as literature and language histories, grammars, etc.)
  • a wide provision of basic monographic literature on topics relevant to teaching and research, mainly in French, German and English
  • important literary, linguistic and cultural journals

Historical collections:

  • significant holdings of primary and secondary literature

No holdings:

  • language teaching material, textbooks for French as a foreign language
  • works on literature and language didactics
  • children's and young adult literature


Libraries with additional holdings